Payment and Refund Policy

Please refer to our updated legal terms of services in our official website. (Using the blow URL)

At Twin Digital , 50% of the amount will be taken in advance before starting work. If a customer willing to request for a refund/cancellation, money will be refunded on the basis of our legal contract agreement. Then he/she has to send a mail to info(at)w3dreamsolutions(dot)com, or they can send a mailing letter to our official address. It may take up to 10 days to return the money.

# Reasons for Cancellation Refund Policy Explanation
1 Canceling within 24 Hours 90% of Paid Amount We will charge 10% of the total amount paid becoz of incur costs for payment gateway
2 Canceling when the project started. No Refund No Refund once work starts.
3 Canceling after the project completed. No Refund (Outstanding amount will be taken)
4 Canceling If the client does not like design. No Refund Because work with client and show the process before go ahead.
5 Canceling if work delay 50% Of Paid Amount (Applicable only if fully dealy from our side. We will check all the project documents. (No refund if dealy mix from client)
6 Canceling if the client paid extra amount 100 % If client paid extra amount by mistake, than we will refund full amount.
7 Canceling If the client change plan. No Refund If client change plan than no amount will be refunded because Our team work hard, we value our work.
8 Domain Cancellation No Refund Impossible to cancel domain after registrations.
9 Hosting Cancellation 50% of Amount If order calcel within 2 day after paid the amount paid.